Friday, 26 August 2011

Week 4 Refletion

What; This week we had a reliever called Mr Allot. He taught us a new game called rabbits and shooters and we had a mystery reader. He is a fire fighter. He showed us his gear. They are in levels. Zane got to wear his gear. Right now he is in room12 showing them.

So what; I learnt how to make a quiz on "My studiyo".

Now what; Next week I want to get my work done and be king of the den.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Week 2 Reflection

What: This week we had some competitions to celebrate getting 10,000 blog hits. The first one was that we needed a hat and an art shirt and a dice. If we rolled a six we had to put on the clothes and cut a bar of chocolate with a knife and a fork. You could eat until the next person rolled a six. We also had cross country practice.

So What: This week we have learnt how to do Lexia, a reading programme on the computer.

Now What: Next week I want to be King of the Den.